History - World (OL)
Content Covered
Description : in this topic, learners will find out how the industrial Revolution and the Alliance system influenced and contributed to the outbreak of the First World war.
Description : In this topic students will the remot causes of the first world war such as the growth of nationalism and the immidiate events that led to the war. and how the various powers caused the war and not leaving out the paris peace conference.
Description : In this chapter students will learn how international relations were dominated by the policy of appaecement towards Germany an other states and instances of international agreement.
Description : This topic examines the Causes of the second world war, the course and the consequences of the war. students will also learn about the cold war,its origin and manifestation.
Description : In this chapter students will learn about the creation of organisations the LAeague of nations and the united nations organisation. Students will also laern about their successes and faillures as the worlds peace keeping organisation. etc.