History - African (OL)
Content Covered
Description : In this topic students will learn how the european powers rush to occupy territories in Africa and why the European powers did not scramble for Africa before 1879. They will also find out how the africans reacted to the scramble.
Description : In this topic learners will discover the european colonial policies imposed on the Africans after colonisation. such policies included the British indirect rule, the Belgian Parternalism and the Portuguese Assimilado. etc.
Description : This topic looks closely at the African involment in the first world war and how it affected the continent. we will also look into the Italian attack of Abyssinia and Pan Africanism. etc.
Description : Like in the first world war, Africans were dragged into the second world war which did not concern them. This chapter will help the learners to understand how the africans particpated in the war and withhat impact.
Description : This topic looks at nationalism as one of the effects of the second world war whereby the Aricans munted pressure on their colonial masters to decolonise them and grant independence